Vendors (Purchasing)

The Purchase by Invoice Service to used to get/post purchasing data that is not directly associated with products. Typically this service is used to record expenses for services, like monthly cleaning charges, or other fixed fees like utilities.

The Vendor Service is used to create/review records of all Vendors that can be used to record expenses in Crunchtime. Typically, a third-party system is the system of record for Vendors and vendor data is posted to Crunchtime. Once created, additional configuration is required within Enterprise Manager to ensure stores can place and receive Vendor Orders or record Simple Receipt and Purchase by Invoice (PBI) transactions.

The Vendor Payment Service enables the accounting department to upload payment information from an Accounts Payable system, which will update reconciled Vendor Orders and Purchase by Invoice transactions with Check Number, Check Amount, Check Date and Check Amount Allocated to the Invoice (since the same check can be used for multiple invoices).

The Confirm Receipt Standard Service allows users to “GET”, or retrieve details of vendor confirmations for purchase orders. The “POST” action allows users to enter Confirm Receipt data in Crunchtime.

The Purchase Order Service allows users to “GET”, or retrieve detailed information related to vendor orders. This service does not support the “POST” action and therefore cannot be used to insert or update vendor order data in Crunchtime.

The Vendor Location Service enables for quick setup of vendor locations for companies with large amounts of location-specific information per vendor, such as payment terms, order minimums, e-mail addresses, etc.

The Vendor Product Pricing Service allows users to “GET”, or retrieve extract product pricing data from Crunchtime. The Vendor Product Pricing does not support the “POST” action and therefore cannot be used to insert or update product pricing data in Crunchtime.