Using Our APIs

Inventory Management | Labor & Scheduling | Cruise

Test & Production Sites

  • You should develop the API connection using your Test site. Developing against the Test site will help avoid runaway processes that could impact the performance of your Production application.
  • No test environment? No problem! Utilize the Developer Hub to review header and query parameters. For further testing, remove '-test' from the webservices URL and proceed using your internal API tool.
  • API Access URLs:

Application Version


Verify API Version Compatibility with your Crunchtime Application

Each API has different requirements concerning the minimum version of the application that it is compatible with. For more information on these requirements, see the API Reference page.

Remember to check each endpoint for the supported version.

Remember to check each endpoint for the supported version.

Updating Records

  • Some records reference existing entries within the application (such an Employee record referencing Locations and Positions). When updating these records, the referential data you enter must match the existing entries in the application exactly. The API will not create new records for the reference data. (i.e. you must create Locations and Positions before you create Employees, and reference the Location and Position exactly in the updated Employee record.)

/getAll vs. /getByPage

  • We have a protocol for our APIs to ensure optimal performance and prevent system abuse. Our 'getall' endpoint, designed for targeted queries, includes required parameters to efficiently manage data requests and safeguard against misuse. Conversely, our 'bypage' endpoint is tailored for larger data retrievals, promoting scalability and streamlined access to extensive datasets. Notably, unlike the 'getAll' endpoint, the 'getPage' endpoint doesn't necessitate required query parameters for accessing detailed information, enhancing user convenience and simplifying integration processes.

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